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February 28, 2005



Cool!!! I have a good friend up in Wisconsin who talks about the Birkie like its the holy grail of xc skiing. Sounds like a blast!

I WISH we got enough snow here to make learning to ski worthwhile...

p.s... Don't stop blogging! Your blog gives me hope that there are lawyers out there with actual lives outside the office! I really enjoy your blog even if its not updated all that often!

Scheherazade H.

What a terrible proprietor!! I'm speechless as to how cruel he was!


Pu-leeeeze do not stop blogging. Your blog is not only interesting from a lawyer's point of view (always exciting when you achieve a victory and, oddly comforting when you're buried in a brief) but your life adventures, particularly in light of your personal story, are a constant source of inspiration. You are my favorite blogger and as I and my significant other debate moving to Colorado from NYC (and wonder how I'll make it as a lawyer out there), I take comfort knowing that you're there -- if you can do it, so can I.

The fact that you don't post as often as perhaps you feel you should is a testament to your busy life -- that life which your readers find so interesting and inspiring. It's about quality, not quantity!

Finally, that proprietor is a real sicko!!!! I feel your frustration. What he did was WRONG! I thought people from Wisconsin were so "nice!"


Don't quit the blogging! Your entries may be rare but that makes them all the more enjoyable.

And that proprietor sounds like a complete moron.


Don't abandon the blog. Not because I love it (because I do) or because it makes me feel like I'm keeping in touch with you (because it does) but because a blog gives you an excuse to voice your thoughts. I've certainly waxed and waned with my own blog, but it's really a comfort to me to have it to return to. Even if you don't post a lot right now, there will be times when you want to, and if you don't have a blog anymore, you'll be silencing that part of yourself.
So keep it up. And don't worry if your readership drops off. You'll still have a core group that checks in once in awhile.


No, you shouldn't give up on blogging, definately not!!! You are very talented at telling stories, they always make me laugh, and also you never know who you might be helping just by sharing your experiences.


Please don't stop blogging. Sure, I'm interested in the interesting stories about law, and I'm a sucker for wedding talk, but I read because I love to hear about your active lifestyle!

I have two children that will have a life of physical and educational challenges due to a rare syndrome (kidneys and eyes) and I want them to have your spirit for life. Reading your blog gives me some insight into helping inspire them grow up to be strong, active and fulfilled - whatever their challenges are. I don't care how often you update!


what can I say. My husband and his entire family are from WI. If you need WI attorneys to sue the place for not accomdating your needs, let us know. We can refer you to the attorneys in WI who can correct the wrong and right the wrong.


what can I say. My husband and his entire family are from WI. If you need WI attorneys to sue the place for not accomdating your needs, let us know. We can refer you to the attorneys in WI who can correct the wrong and right the wrong.


Forgot to add that the family in WI is three lawyers strong. One is a large firm in Milwaukee and the other is solo in Milwaukee, so let us know which you prefer.


Forgot to add that the family in WI is three lawyers strong. One is a large firm in Milwaukee and the other is solo in Milwaukee, so let us know which you prefer.


your website has problems.


your website has problems.


and I know some promi


your website has problems





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