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February 08, 2005



Having been almost exactly no where in the last five years--well, only those places where I have family to visit: Colorado, Vermont, Wisconsin, Chicago, D.C., Santa Barbara. I think I am of absolutely no help to you. Pretty much anywhere sounds great to me. Well, except for, of course, Colorado, Vermont, Wisconsin, Chicago, D.C., and Santa Barbara, because I've been all those places recently.

Good luck!


Have you considered New Zealand?? Beautiful place... friendly people... lots of outdoorsy stuff to do... and for VERY foreign culture you can hang out with the Maoris!


I was going to suggest the Maldives as it's great to swim/snorkel/scuba dive etc there but it's very expensive and when we went we were pretty much on an island resort the whole time.

How about Indonesia? (I went to Bali in September 2003 and it was great fun.)

Julia (not that one)

What about the Virgin could island hop to a lot of mini adventures.


don't know that these fit all your criteria, but some good sounding destinations would include new zealand/australia, caribbean, venezuela, mexico (not so exotic but close and cheap and some gorgeous places), and india. that covers a number of continents right. how about a round-the-world ticket and go for 2 months? that'd be fun! good luck


GREAT suggestions, all. For what it's worth, I can tell you that the top places we've discussed so far are:
1) South Africa (MY top choice; Steve is ambivalent)
2) New Zealand
3) Burma (which we would probably combine with a week of climbing in Thailand as a compromise)


I, of course, vote for New Zealand.


Seriously, the first spot that jumped to mind on reading this post was New Zealand (or Oz/NZ, combination of both). I think we have a winner. Never been myself; been to Oz though, and many other far-away lands.


I second, or third, or fourth New Zealand.

It was the first place that came to mind as I was reading your wish list.


NZ sounds great. I'd recommend it to. It has the added bonus of being an easier country to travel in if your fiance hasn't traveled as much. I was in Australia recently and loved it; wished we'd had more time so we could have visted NZ, but went to Vietnam instead (which may be another possibility - but a little more difficult to travel in if you don't speak the language).

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