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« Excuses, excuses. | Main | Epiphany »

April 08, 2005



Heya, for this friend at least, I enjoy talking about the wedding with you. It's a happy oasis from the rest of the world...

But, definitely write about the epiphany, and more on the stalker story too...



No one even sees your shoes. I picked out a lovely pair that KILLED my feet. I took them off the first chance I had have never put them back on my feet since. Just looking at the box in which they're housed makes my feet ache ;-)


Yes, the "no one sees them" point was part of my argument for blue, but whatever! I've found something perfect, reasonably comfortable, and probably rewearable, so I think the shoe-shopping part of the wedding is done. Now I can stop obsessively searching Zappos, anyway.

That's correct, no one looks at the shoes!!! Glad you got that issue resolved.

u know

Dear, go on with your life. It's yours and I know and I am sure your grandmother would say the same. Have fun, plan, and enjoy your wedding. Smiling at you.

u know

Dear, go on with your life. It's yours and I know and I am sure your grandmother would say the same. Have fun, plan, and enjoy your wedding. Smiling at you.

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