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August 22, 2007



eeek! Can't wait for news!


WOW!! I didn't realize you were so close!! I can't wait to hear all about the new little one!! Congrats :)


I was just thinking about you tonight and wondering if Crusher had arrived! We finally made it out to the Boulder farmer's market (which was indeed as fabulous!) and I kept an eye out for a very pregnant Mad, but you were nowhere to be found!

Keep us posted!! :D


Good luck! My wife and I will be waiting with similar anticipation come December...


As a long-time reader, I can't wait to see pics and hear news of Crusher's arrival. Good luck to you Mad!

Marcia Epelbaum

Hi Madeline:

It was with great pleasure that I read your entry today (your mom gave me your blog's site yesterday). If you have not read the book: Husband-coached childbirth by Robert A. Bradley, I highly recommend it to you. It was the best preparation that I had to deliver both girls with no medications. It is an old book but you should be able to find a copy of it at the Main Boulder Public Library under this call number: 618.4 (one should be on the shelves). My best wishes for a healthy and happy child.

Marcia Epelbaum (Nashville)

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