Maternity leave is fun! At least, maternity leave without a baby to care for is fun, filled with leisurely lunches, late morning walks, piddling around the internet, and playing mah johngg with my mom's friends. I suspect that a few weeks of this would drive me bonkers, but the last few days of rest and relaxation have done wonders for my stress level and have me feeling mentally and physically ready for Crusher to turn my world upside down.
Things wrapped up nicely at work, with my docket well under control for the next few months. I'm monitoring my cases and intend to continue to do so (though certainly with less zeal and obsessive frequency, I'm sure), and have already dashed off some client correspondence from afar. I'm trying to keep the lawyer part of my brain functioning even while the mommy part kicks in. We'll see how that goes.
And now, the real waiting game begins. My brother and I cooperatively arrived quite early, as did my nephews and most of my cousins. Crusher seems to be on a slightly more leisurely schedule, apparently taking after Daddy's side of the family. At D-day minus 4, my doctor says everything looks optimal for labor and delivery, but I have yet to experience any real contractions. Once we get some of those going, the show should be well on the road.
This is one of the most surreal experiences I've ever had. Right now, I have an enormous belly, from which strange, angular protrusions emerge throughout the day, along with assorted minor aches. At any given moment, all of this could shift into acute labor pains, followed (hopefully quickly and with little ado - a girl can dream, anyway) by the arrival of an ENTIRE BABY, who will come home and live with us. So weird.
And so thrilling. I've spent most of my pregnancy actively forbidding myself to imagine how labor and delivery will unfold, or to develop expectations for what my child will be like. For a control freak planner like me, this is probably excellent training for parenthood. But now that L&D&baby are almost here, I'm just itching - tingling - with anticipation, and so, so curious to finally know how it's all going to happen.
I'll keep you posted!
eeek! Can't wait for news!
Posted by: janet | August 22, 2007 at 07:15 PM
WOW!! I didn't realize you were so close!! I can't wait to hear all about the new little one!! Congrats :)
Posted by: Jennifer | August 22, 2007 at 09:02 PM
I was just thinking about you tonight and wondering if Crusher had arrived! We finally made it out to the Boulder farmer's market (which was indeed as fabulous!) and I kept an eye out for a very pregnant Mad, but you were nowhere to be found!
Keep us posted!! :D
Posted by: jdz | August 22, 2007 at 09:08 PM
Good luck! My wife and I will be waiting with similar anticipation come December...
Posted by: Tim | August 22, 2007 at 10:14 PM
As a long-time reader, I can't wait to see pics and hear news of Crusher's arrival. Good luck to you Mad!
Posted by: Kim | August 23, 2007 at 10:05 AM
Hi Madeline:
It was with great pleasure that I read your entry today (your mom gave me your blog's site yesterday). If you have not read the book: Husband-coached childbirth by Robert A. Bradley, I highly recommend it to you. It was the best preparation that I had to deliver both girls with no medications. It is an old book but you should be able to find a copy of it at the Main Boulder Public Library under this call number: 618.4 (one should be on the shelves). My best wishes for a healthy and happy child.
Marcia Epelbaum (Nashville)
Posted by: Marcia Epelbaum | August 23, 2007 at 12:32 PM