Once again, Steve, my parents, and I (together with Crusher, of course, who by then will have shed his or her hardnosed utero name for something more baby-appropriate) will be doing the VisionWalk pledge walk for the Foundation Fighting Blindness (FFB). The FFB is an extraordinary tax-exempt organization that raises millions of dollars each year to fund research at leading universities, hospitals and other facilities around the world to find the causes and possible cures for many retinal diseases, including macular degeneration, Stargardt's disease, and the one that particularly grabs our attention, Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP).
If you've been reading along here, you probably know that I have Usher Syndrome, the particular form of RP that causes not only vision loss but also hearing loss (talk about a double whammy!). I've chronichled the dramatic improvement to my hearing as a result of my cochlear implant surgery last year, but my vision continues its slow but inexorable deterioration. I haven't written about it much lately, because there's not much to say right now other than "It sucks. It gets worse. Wish they'd find a treatment already." I am still fortunate to lead a full and active life, but RP/Usher do have a massive - and increasingly challenging - impact on my life, and the lives of millions of others. We want to eliminate, or at least ameliorate, that impact for me and for everyone else suffering from retinal degenerative diseases.
Which brings me to my pitch: I would very very much appreciate your help in this fight. The second annual Colorado Visionwalk will take place on Saturday, September 29, 2007. Our team, Usher's Mushers, will be striving to surpass our astounding results from the inaugural 2006 event for which the generosity of our friends and family (including many blindinsight.com readers) helped us to raise over $11,000 and take home the "Flying Pig" award for the top-grossing team. This year, we have set an ambitious team goal of $15,000, but we think that, with your help, we can reach this mark and help ensure that the FFB's sight-saving research continues to produce hope - and results - for me and for millions of others.
You can contribute to our efforts by visiting
If you are local, we would also love to have you join our team, help the Usher's Mushers reach its fundraising goal, and walk with us on September 29. If you click the link above, you will find more information about how to sign up (let me know if you have any problems doing so). This will be Crusher's first foray into social activism, and we're very excited to show him or her how fun and satisfying it can be.
Thank you for your continued support. (And I promise a "real" blog post soon. If I get enough requests, I'll even post photos of The Belly, now 31 weeks and grooooooowing).